Trace Lines of Truth: The Transformative Power of Mystic Poetry Facilitated by Dr. Bill Little & Rev. Sandra Leader
Begins September 20, 2023 Six Wednesdays
5:00 –6:30 pm
($160 Advance $180 after 9/17)
Register and pay here onlnine or pay in the Mindshop / 831.372-2971
Discover the exquisite beauty of mystical poetry and experience first-hand the illuminating power of these vessels of timeless truths in a six-week experiential journey led by Dr. Bill Little and Rev. Sandra Leader.
Each class will begin with chanting and meditation to open hearts and minds to receive tastes of the illumined states these masters were in when they condensed into words their spiritual revelations. We will explore the lives of Sufis such as Rumi and Hafiz and Transcendentalists such as Walt Whitman and Ralph Waldo Emerson, imbibe their mind-stopping poems, then deepen the immersion by sharing our experiences at a soul level.
Join Dr. Bill Little, CSA spiritual director, and artist and poet Rev. Sandra Leader in an unforgettable journey that will kindle a passion for this ecstatic art form and its ability to heal, uplift and transform.