Spirit is the inner feeling nature in our hearts. It always supports us because it knows us as Itself. The only reason we do not experience this subtle but powerful energy in an ongoing way is that our minds focus on sensory evidence instead of this sacred inner life.
Our method of redirecting the attention of the mind is called Spiritual Mind Treatment. It is a form of prayer and is simple but powerful.
At the Center we provide abundant resources to help peoplecontact their own inner spirit. We have trained Ministers and Practitioners available after service on Sundays to offer complimentary Spiritual Mind Treatments for anyone who would like this support.
Our Ministers are also available for individual counseling sessions during the week. If you'd like a personal treatment, please fill out the request form on this page.
Spiritual Mind Treatment Phone Line
For ongoing support, connect by phone to our Prayer Treatment phone line at (831) 275-7222.
When you call you will hear a Prayer Treatment that has been pre-recorded by a CSA Minister or Practitioner. Feel free to call in often as the Treatment is changed regularly. After the recorded prayer, you may also leave a message for personalized treatment request and will receive a call from one of our ministers or practitioners.