Slow me Down, Lord
Ease the pounding of my heart by the quieting of my mind. Steady my hurried pace with a vision of the eternal reach of time. Give me, amid the confusion of this day, the calmness of the everlasting hills. Break the tensions of my nerves and muscles with soothing music of the singing streams that live in my memory. Help me to know the magical restoring power of sleep. Teach me the art of taking minute vacations – of slowing down to look at a flower, to chat with a friend, to pat a dog, to read a few lines from a good book. Remind me each day of the fable of the hare and the tortoise, that I may know that the race is not always to the swift – there is more to life than increasing its speed. Let me look upward into the branches of the towering oak and know that it grew great and strong because it grew slowly and well. Slow me down, Lord, and inspire me to send my roots deep into the soil of life’s enduring values, that I may grow toward the start of my greater destiny. Robert Cushing 1895 -1970
5 PARADIGMS YOU DIDN'T EVEN KNOW YOU HAD To continue to grow, we must lead ourselves outside of our paradigms. The following are five common, but often subtle, paradigms that affect the outcome of our lives. Take a look to see which ones might be shaping your life. 1.Paradigm:"Everything is fine." You think to yourself, "I'm doing just fine". Which means you’ve accepted that this is the best you’re going to get in life. So, what's below that kind of thinking? Maybe you’ve settled for something that holds you back? Maybe the ego voice say's "don't ask for more, be grateful for what you've got, other people are doing with far less than you, don't be greedy..." so you feel you don’t deserve more and shouldn't ask or want more. Or perhaps you just haven’t invested the time to think about what you truly want to create. This paradigm is all pervasive; however, it is subtly different for everyone. So don’t automatically push it aside if you don’t think it applies to you. Sit with it for a while to see if anything else comes up. Breakthrough Perspective: "I embrace the deep desire placed in my heart that guides me forward, I resign from the status quo. I am happy, but not finished with my life and my creations." Just like a seed in the ground that sprouts and draws in more sunlight, grows bigger and bigger, soaks up more and more nutrients and water, we all have a natural desire to grow and evolve. The law of our being is for Expansion and Fuller Expression. Our being desires to know more, to do more and to be more. Each time we achieve something, another desire for even greater good develops naturally—as we allow it. 2. Paradigm: "I’ve reached my income limit." Maybe you reached a particular financial position and no matter how hard you work or what you do, your income pretty much stays the same. You feel stuck and can’t figure out how to get over this financial hurdle. Breakthrough Perspective: "I am excited about my financial future. I open to financial intelligence and stewardship. Money comes to me from multiple channels from one infinite source of supply. Wealth is my true nature and unlimited." You can earn more money than you’ve ever dreamed of. However, you can’t do it by thinking, or feeling there’s a ceiling on your income. Dwelling on your stagnant income only brings more stagnation. The Universe responds to what we focus on and give our energy to. Increased income can come only from right thinking, inspired, well-conceived and properly executed plans. Start by getting a sheet of paper and writing down all the negative beliefs you have about money and your ability to earn more of it. Then, let those beliefs go by shredding or burning the paper. Re-direct your mind to develop a prosperity consciousness, and the money you desire will be yours. 3. Paradigm: My best days are behind me. Many people, particularly in their 40s and beyond, feel like they’ve already accomplished what they can, they often think that there is not enough time left for them to start a new career, relationship, improve their health, or accumulate money. This belief system will hit home for you if, on some level, you have given up on your goals. You may have a “why bother” kind of attitude. Breakthrough Perspective: 'My best years are yet to come. I am an infinite being of life and light. I am infinite intelligence and total wellbeing." In The 100-Year Lifestyle, Dr. Eric Plasker says that your body has the hardware to live 100 years and beyond. If you knew you’d live to 100, the way you want, how would you change your life? Would you still feel you’ve already accomplished everything you can? Our life span is increasing all the time. Expect to be prosperous, happy and healthy for 100 years and beyond. Adopting this new perspective does nothing but good for your life today and in the years to come. We know 80+ years olds, who have huge goals and more energy than many 30-year-olds. So don’t plan to slow down anytime soon. Plan to engage with your eternal Self. 4. Paradigm: I am not enough / I'm unlovable. You may feel lonely and believe you’ll never find a loving partner. You might think that if you had someone who loved you, your life would be a lot better. Or maybe you’re very outgoing and have a great sense of humor, but inside you’re sad because you secretly feel you’re not enough or unlovable. Perhaps you believe you’re unlovable because of your past, or race, or conditions or your body type? You might think nobody wants to be burdened with someone like you. Let's break up with that voice! Breakthrough Perspective: "I love myself and I love others, that love comes back to me in multiplied ways, I am beloved and appreciated by my friends and family. Kind, generous, genuine people surround me and support me, I love it." You have the freedom to feel any way you want about yourself. So why would you want to belittle yourself? If you feel unlovable in any way, forgive, let go and clear the way, create a new image of yourself, tune into your true Self and become emotionally involved with that image by Thinking like, FEELING like & Being that person all day long. Imagine you change the channel and live on that frequency. Your subconscious mind can’t distinguish between what’s real and imaginary, so get very clear about the image you are tuning into. As you go through your day focus only on what you want to feel. Look up, take deep breaths, smile and sing a song of joy to yourself. As you develop a new way of speaking to yourself and others, the mirror reflects back to you what you give out. 5. Paradigm: I need another's approval. If this is your paradigm, then whenever you want to do something new, you look outside of yourself for validation. You seek approval, appreciation, acknowledgement and guidance from your spouse, partner, employer, co-workers, friends, clients or parents. Or you look at conditions and circumstances to prove that you’re on the right path. This paradigm is often hard to see because most of us naturally sell our abilities short. Take an honest look at your life to see if you need outside approval before going for daring goals or taking on new projects. Breakthrough Perspective: "The Holy Spirit within me, leads and guides me at all times. There is only one Spirit, one presence, one power, one mind and this One is being me now. I am inspired and guided into all the good that has been designed for me now." Religious texts tell us that we were created in God’s image, and as humans we are “a little lower than the angels.” Jesus said "greater things will you do..." So if you think you are not important or you have an image in your mind of yourself as a failure, that’s a false idea. To thrive we must let false ideas go. When you have a strong desire to do, create, or express something, know that the longing is Divine. Desire means "Of The Divine". It’s Spirit calling you. And if you answer the call, you will be guided and assured of success because it's your Higher Self "doing the will of the Divine". What happens when you change your perspective? What’s the biggest insight you’re taking away from this Thought for the Day?
Let us know in the comment section by clicking Comments at the top of this post. Also, tell us the #1 paradigm you want to kick out of your mind. Next week we will post specific strategies for overcoming these paradigms. To your success and wellbeing, Center for Spiritual Awakening A Prayer for One America
We have been taught that we are separate and independent. While this belief seems an obvious truth, it is really a GREAT MISUNDERSTANDING. We humans share the air. We share the water. We share the food provided by the plants and animals. We did not create any of these. … ALL of these are gifts from GOD — gifts from Nature. We share the Earth. We did not create the land. We did not create the minerals. We did not create the fossil fuels. We do not create the Sunlight, which powers our universe. ALL of these are gifts from GOD — gifts from Nature. The TRUTH is that we are connected and interdependent. Sometimes, I depend on you. Sometimes, you depend on me. And we always depend on GOD and Nature. We are ONE. All gifts are self-gifts. All gifts to you are also gifts to me. ALL is ONE — ONE is ALL. Reality is whole — both physical and metaphysical. Reality is UNITY — both recognized and unrecognized — ONE Consciousness — ONE Spirit — ONE GOD. ONE People — ONE Nation — ONE Species — ONE Humanity, and of course ONE America. Each of us is an Individualization of that ONEness — Right Here and Now. Consciousness in each of us, as each of us, is each of us. Spirit in each of us, as each of us, is each of us. GOD in each of us, as each of us, is each of us. If I am awake now, then I know who I am. If I am awake now, then I know who you are. We are brothers and sisters — sons and daughters — fathers and mothers. We are the SAME. I am you, and you are me. I am self, and I am other. I am one, and I am all. I am me, and I am you. So, when I help you, I help myself. All help is self-help. When I protect you, I protect myself. All protection is self-protection. When I forgive you, I forgive myself. All forgiveness is self-forgiveness. When I love you, I love myself. All love is self-love. And so, I will help you always, protect you always, forgive you always, and love you always. Only by working together can we change SUFFERING into WELLNESS — change SCARCITY into ABUNDANCE — change CONFLICT into Co-OPERATION — change DANGER into SAFETY — change CHAOS into ORDER — change FEAR into LOVE. Therefore, I accept LOVE – as the PULL to UNION. I will seek to always focus on feeling that LOVE. I release FEAR –def-> as the PUSH to SEPARATION. I will focus on ignoring the illusion of FEAR that does not exist within the presence of LOVE — cannot exist within the Unity of ONEness. For these truths, I am deeply grateful. I accept our ONEness as true and valid. I accept our UNITY as here and now. I accept our WHOLEness as natural and necessary. And now, I let go of the GREAT MISUNDERSTANDING — that we are separate and independent and give it up, and trust GOD and Nature to instill the TRUTH — that we are connected and interdependent — into each of us in a way that’s right for you, and in a way that’s right for me. Let us pray for ONE AMERICA Let us pray that GOD’s mind becomes each of our minds. Let us pray that GOD’s nature becomes each of our natures. Let us pray that GOD’s will becomes each of our wills. Let us pray that GOD’s love for life becomes our love for life. And further, let us pray that GOD shows cause, by signaling each of us, in our own unique way, to let us know that GOD and Nature are real. Then may GOD Bless America and may there be Peace on the Earth between all humans — between all brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, sons and daughters. Other than believing the TRUTH — that we are connected and interdependent, I will do nothing to make this happen, for I TRUST the ONE GOD and Nature. … And so it is. By Dr. Tim Wilkens Synergetic Scientist GRATITUDE IS A HEALING BALM
Some may agree that disturbing things are going on in the world. While we don't completely understand why some things are happening, we can recognize that they are simply there. Knowing what's going on is one thing; focusing on them and getting emotionally involved with them is quite another. Let's ask ourselves this question, Do I dwell on things that disturb my peace of mind? Maybe I can focus on the polar opposite instead? Maybe I can get emotionally involved with all the good things that surround me and become aware of all the great decisions I am making now? The fastest and easiest way to stir up serenity is to express gratitude. No matter what's going on, there are always multiple things to be thankful for. By focusing on and being grateful for the big and small things in our life, we attract more of those things into our life. Wallace Wattles puts it this way in the book, "The Science of Getting Rich." He said,"The grateful mind is constantly fixed upon the best. Therefore, it tends to become the best; it takes the form or character of the best and will receive the best." So we can tell ourselves: To keep the mind focused on the highest and best, I can simply stop what I am doing and think of 10 things I am grateful for, send love to 2 people who irritate me, ask for guidance and listen for the answer, then I can focus on that. This will instantly get me on the right frequency and shift my energy. I will move into harmony with my highest and best self. I am now creating even more of what's right and good for me. Enjoy playing with Gratitude, Jody Royee |
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