Your Light Speed is Just One Decision Away.
Where 2 or more are gathered together in agreement The Master Mind is always present. Take a Quantum Leap this year and find your Master Mind group. Find a like minded group who you can support and who will support you. Do whatever it takes to find and give to your tribe of like minded individuals. Stay loyal, stay connected, stay in high vibration and manifest the dreams of your inner most being. You have to do it your SELF but you never EVER do it alone. We are surrounded by an innumerable company of Angels.
Spiritual mind treatment is a scientific form of affirmative prayer that under- lies the teachings of Science of Mind. It shifts your mind so that your life manifests that which you desire. If you’re faced with a situation you would like to change, you can use spiritual mind treatment to define and claim what you want. We call that your “Good.” Before engaging in the steps outlined here, you might want to be still and clearly imagine what it is you want. Come right out and say it. This helps you clarify and focus your thinking. For example, say, “This is a treatment for the success of my new project,” or “This is a treatment for perfect health for myself.” The simplest method of treatment is divided into five steps: recognition, unifica- tion, realization, thanksgiving and release. The Five Steps of Science of Mind Treatment I. RECOGNITION (GOD IS) | Recognize God as the ultimate, limitless Presence and Power in the universe. God is all there is. First, recognize the infinite Spirit of God. For example, remember that God is the infinite Spirit that is in and through all things, that God is all powerful and wise, that God is the perfect source of everything — perfect health, prosperity, happiness, harmony, intelligence, energy. Remember that God is a loving presence and ever available. When you begin to feel good, you have recognized God. This step is as much about feeling God’s presence as it is about intellectually listing qualities. II. UNIFICATION (I AM) | After recognizing God as the ultimate Presence and Power in and through everything, you now accept that you and God are one. You know God acts through you, as you, in you, and in all life. I am one with God, now. The next step is to unify with the presence of God. You have already listed and felt the char- acteristics of God. Now remind yourself that you are a part of God and that you, too, have all the qualities of the Infinite Spirit. Your real spiritual self is perfect in every way, even if you face a situation that requires change. III. REALIZATION /REALIZATION (I AFFIRM) | Already knowing that you are part of God, you realize without doubt or reservation that the good you desire to experience is now taking form through God’s Power. I know my desire is complete and I accept. Now imagine how you will feel when you receive what you want. Feel how wonderful it is to realize your dreams. Feel the experiences as though they are happening to you right now. Build mental pic- tures and intensify the thrill and confidence of knowing that you have mastery over all your problems. The goal of this step is to build the strongest possible feeling of already having what you want. The stronger the feeling, the stronger the treatment. IV. THANKSGIVING / ACCEPTANCE (I GIVE THANKS) | Having clearly stated and affirmed what you want to experience, you thankfully accept that the good you desire is yours right now. I accept and give thanks for this good right here and now. If a friend invites you along for a weekend trip, you are thankful, in advance, to know you’re going, even if the trip isn’t happening immediately. It’s the same in treatment. Know that the omnipotent Spirit is already creating whatever you have treated for — and feel happy, excited and grateful. V. RELEASE (I LET GO and LET GOD) | After thankfully accepting your good as already accomplished, you release your prayer to the activity of the Universal Law of Mind, completely freeing yourself of concern. I let go and let God. I release this truth in total belief that it is done. You have recognized God and unified with God. You have realized your desire as if it were hap- pening now. You’ve given thanks. Now let it go. Release it to the infinite power and intelligence of God’s law. Release the treatment, secure in the knowledge that your desire is already assured. Be confident, and go about your day. Use these five steps to make your life and the lives of others happier, more fulfilled and manifestly aligned with the universe. The symbol was devised by our founder, ERNEST HOLMES (1887-1960), who used it to diagram what he meant by the "descent of Spirit into form," or the creative process in the individual. As shown above, the circle represents Infinite Mind, or God. Within that infinity is spiritual law. Law is accessed by each of us, first by our conscious awareness. Then we empower some of our thoughts with feeling (the subconscious medium). Thoughts surrounded by feeling become beliefs and our beliefs are creative of our experience of conditions, forms and effects. By developing a new belief in the goodness and givingness of life, each of us can manifest a new way of being in the world: greater happiness, harmony, prosperity, anything we can imagine. Consciously using the Law of Mind toward these ends, we contribute something positive into the collective belief system of all humankind, setting an intention of a higher good for all. The symbol was devised by our founder, ERNEST HOLMES (1887-1960), who used it to diagram what he meant by the "descent of Spirit into form," or the creative process in the individual.
As shown above, the circle represents Infinite Mind, or God. Within that infinity is spiritual law. Law is accessed by each of us, first by our conscious awareness. Then we empower some of our thoughts with feeling (the subconscious medium). Thoughts surrounded by feeling become beliefs and our beliefs are creative of our experience of conditions, forms and effects. By developing a new belief in the goodness and givingness of life, each of us can manifest a new way of being in the world: greater happiness, harmony, prosperity, anything we can imagine. Consciously using the Law of Mind toward these ends, we contribute something positive into the collective belief system of all humankind, setting an intention of a higher good for all. Ernest Holmes became convinced: 1. There is an impersonal Law of the universe that is creative. 2. We create our own dungeons or destiny by using the same creative power that created the universe. 3. Omnipresence. Wherever Spirit is at all the whole of Spirit must be. “There is not a spot where God is not.” 4. We can use this God Power within us consciously to change our life for the better. Through Ernest’s studies of many great metaphysicians, he developed his own theory of prayer. He believed that the purpose of prayer was not to convince or persuade God to grant one’s desire, but rather to change one’s own consciousness. He felt that one’s true essence is Goodness, Wholeness, and Truth, and that people operate within a law of nature which is impersonal. Everyone may draw from this vast reservoir, Ernest believed. “God is more ready to give than we are to receive,” he said. He believed that one of the aspects of prayer is to put oneself into harmony with the divine Law of Life and Abundance, to allow the flowing of God’s Good to fill us. “Never be astonished when prayer is answered; be surprised when It isn’t and find out where you went wrong.” Ernest Holmes |
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